2023 Honda CRF250F for Sale

RedNew Motorcycles

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Retail Price: $4,899
Due to Honda promotions, The awesome CRF250F is available at invoice. Only at NY's #1 Selling Dealer, New York Honda Yamaha
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2023 Honda CRF250F in Long Island City, New York
2023 Honda CRF250F in Long Island City, New York

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There’s always just been something right about a 250-class off-road bike. They make enough power to ride just about anywhere you want to go, but they’re still light, nimble, and rider friendly. Especially if you’re talking about our Honda CRF250F. It’s not a full-on motocross machine; it’s a great trail bike that’s going to fit a wide range of casual riders. Its fuel-injected engine offers reliable power across a wide powerband, even in cold weather and higher altitudes. The sturdy steel frame shrugs off the bumps and dings that are a part of off-road riding. A full-sized 21-inch front wheel teams up with a super-reliable air-cooled Honda engine, electric starting, front and rear disc brakes and a five-speed transmission, a collection of features that make it one of the best do-it-all dirt bikes on the planet.

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2023 Honda CRF250F

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MSRP excludes destination charge. Visit powersports.honda.com to view applicable destination charge amount.

CRF/FS ARE INTENDED FOR OFF-ROAD OPERATION ONLY. PARENTS NEED TO CONSIDER A RIDER’S AGE, SIZE, ABILITY AND MATURITY BEFORE ALLOWING THEM TO RIDE. ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET, EYE PROTECTION AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, AND PLEASE RESPECT THE ENVIRONMENT. OBEY THE LAW AND READ THE OWNER’S MANUAL THOROUGHLY. Always stay on established trails in approved riding areas. Showa® is a registered trademark of Showa Mfg., Inc. CRF® and Pro-Link® are registered trademarks of Honda Motor Co., Ltd. ©2022 American Honda Motor Co., Inc.

Due to continued challenges across supplier networks as well as increasing logistics costs, product pricing, freight charges, specifications, and features are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Please confirm all information with your local dealership.

Images, where available, are presented as reasonable facsimiles of the offered unit and/or manufacturer stock images. Non-standard options or features may be represented. No guarantee of availability or inclusion of displayed options should be inferred; contact the dealer for more details.